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When Household Chores Become Overwhelming for Mom, Luxe Homecare Can Send Hardworking Caregivers

Housekeeper for Senior

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”2_3″ last=”yes” spacing=”yes” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]When we are in the prime of life, household chores are more of an annoyance than anything else, but as we age, this too changes. Sweeping, vacuuming, dusting or even stacking dishes in the dishwasher become arduous tasks that take our breath away. They need hardworking caregivers.

We hear from families all the time who tell us that their mom or dad can’t keep up with housework, so they don’t and just live with clutter, creating a potentially dangerous situation in which they can slip and fall, or worse.

We advise them that although the hardworking caregivers from Luxe Homecare do not do heavy housecleaning–they’ll need to hire a cleaning service for that–our hardworking caregivers can help their parents with some of the daily chores that will keep their home presentable and accident-free.

Just Ask Josephine

Josephine is a lovely lady in her early 70s. The single parent to a son, she was once able to take care of all her household chores and gardening but has found it more difficult of late. Her tasks were wreaking havoc on her back and legs. She didn’t want to burden her son and instead chose to hire a local housecleaning service to come in once a month. They did a great job but once a month wasn’t enough, and her budget couldn’t handle more than that. That’s when she talked to her son about her situation, and he contacted our homecare agency. He found us on the web and was impressed by all the in-home services, including light housekeeping that we offered. He thought this might be the perfect solution for his mother.

I assured him that we could help Josephine in this area and told him of the other in home care services we offer, such as nutritious meal planning and preparation, and medication reminders.

Now his mother can do the chores she enjoys doing, like wiping down the counters, and avoid the ones that are just too much for her. Her son still has the cleaning service come in once a month to do a deep cleaning and uses our caregivers to help his mom with light housekeeping. I think he also likes that our caregiver talks to Josephine while she cleans, an added perk to our service.

As a quality homecare agency, we enjoy providing attentive caregivers to families like Josephine’s, giving them the peace of mind that their loved one is well-taken care of.

To find out how we can help your family member remain safe in the comfort of their own home and contact us at (310) 459-3535, [email protected] or visit our site at We provide services in the Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Long Beach, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Newport Beach, Riverside and Santa Monica areas.

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